Kenya - XINIX

Virtual Phone Numbers: Kenya

Xinix offers extensive virtual phone number (DID) coverage to over 77 countries and 3235 area codes worldwide of local, national, mobile and toll-free virtual phone numbers. We are delivering our services over Private or Public VoIP SIP Trunks, or through direct PSTN forwarding.

Prices start from as low as £3 per number.

virtual phone number in UK


Pricing below is for 1 DID. Capacity (trunk channels) to receive inbound calls must be purchased separately. Many locations can share trunk channels. Click here to see all of the trunk and channel pricing.

End User Registration Voice | T.38 | SMS Rate per minute
Not required
£ 0.00
No per minute charges are applied for incoming traffic. Additional metered capacity may be configured if required (section 'Capacity').
£ 20.00 £ 20.00

DID Coverage for Kenya

  • Kenya Safaricom Nairobi